Event Space Rules and Etiquette

Created on Thursday, 06 September 2012 Written by Godfrey
  1. Only PEER Group Members in good standing, Reciprocal Group Members as may be invited, or extension to others by special invitation as may be authorized by the PEER Board of Directors from time to time, may attend a PEER Event.
  2. A valid governmental or PEER Event issued photo ID must be presented, or on file with the group/event, for entry every time to the EventNo exceptions will be made, even if the attendee is known to the leadership of PEER Group.
  3. A Waiver of Liability must be signed at each PEER Group’s Event by each attendee, no exceptions.
  4. PEER Group Regular Members in good standing may bring one invitee guest, defined as a single, couple, triad, or family who must arrive with them and leave with or before them from the event, pursuant to the Group’s rules regarding “guests”. Members are at all time responsible for the conduct of their guests.
  5. There will be no cell phones in the dungeon regardless of if the are camera equipped or not, except as carried by the head DM for the purpose of contacting emergency help if needed. Any cell phones found will be immediately confiscated and the owner ejected from the event without refund. Cell phones not left in the car must be turned into the registration desk upon entry.
  6. There will be no photographs taken in the PEER Event space except as taken by the photographer as may or may not be provided by PEER Group unless authorized on a case by case basis by a Board Member of PEER.
  7. The universal safeword in PEER’s Event Space is “Red”. A DM will intervene in a scene if she/he hears the word “Red” and the top does not immediately stop the scene. If your scene involves the gagging of a partner then you must use a safe object or sign made known to the DM on duty in advance.
  8. No alcohol use (with the exception of a toast at midnight on New Years Eve) or being intoxicated,  under the influence of alcohol will be tolerate at any PEER Group Event.
  9. No recreational or illegal drug use, or arriving under the influence of a recreational or illegal drug will be tolerated at any PEER Group Event.
  10. Possession of a gun or firearm at a PEER Group Event will result in immediate removal and permanent ban from all PEER Group Events.
  11. Direct any questions you may have about the appropriateness of a scene to a DM in advance of commencing play.
  12. If your scene involves heavy or rough play or if it is the first time you have played together, you must inform the DM prior to the commencement of the scene.
  13. Wax play may be allowed in certain areas of the dungeon only. Ask a DM if such an area exists and to direct you to that area. Use the tarps provided for wax play by PEER Group. You must clean up all wax from your play area.
  14. All fireplay must have the approval of the DM in charge and must have a dedicated DM to observe. Confirm the existence of suitable fire extinguishers,  fire blankets and all first aid and safety equipment before you begin play.
  15. If you are doing needle play, piercings, or infusion, make sure you have and use gloves and dispose of all “sharps” in an appropriate “sharps” container immediately. It is your responsibility to disinfect and sterilize all equipment and material used in this form of play prior to and after its usage.
  16. If you are going to engage in any form of electrical play it is required that you use a GFI as will be provided by the PEER DM staff in addition to any that you may choose to provide.
  17. No breath play, immersion, scat, watersports, flesh suspension or flowing blood play, are permitted in the PEER Group’s Event Space. An exception to these rules may be extended during a demonstration/event by the board through special notice only.
  18. Solicitation, Prostitution, or Negotiations, whether for money or favors, sexual or not, for any form of BDSM play or sexual activities is not only illegal, but prohibited and will cause the parties to be removed from the PEER Group Events immediately.
  19. Penetration will generally be permitted at PEER Events on an event by event basis. When penetration is permitted at an event a protective barrier must be used in all cases. This includes those who are fluidly bonded. Penetration shall be defined as: the insertion, however slight, of any part of the body, instrument, apparatus, toy or other objects (with the exception of oral gags), into the oral, vaginal or anal cavity of another). Exceptions to this barrier requirement shall be for oral sex between fluidly bonded individuals and the act of kissing another. Participants must clean up entire area at the conclusion of these scenes including any bedding used properly disposed of and the remaking of the bed with clean sheets as provided.
  20. All attendees agree that everything you observe here will be kept in strict confidence, and that attendees will do nothing to jeopardize the privacy and identity of the attendees or the PEER Group Event space. Attendees agree not to create any audio, video recordings, nor take any photographs, or record the activities of other attendees or the PEER Group Event Space. Any audio, video, photographs, and/or records produced at this event are the sole property of PEER Group of Cincinnati, Inc. regardless of there creator, and the creator grants to PEER Group of Cincinnati, Inc. immediate complete and sole copyright to PEER Group of Cincinnati, Inc.
  21. Smoking will only be permitted in designate areas outside of the dungeon.
  22. The term “DM” hereinafter refers to the PEER Dungeon Monitor.
  23. From time to time PEER Group may make use of individuals that it recognizes as having the experience, qualifications, and demeanor from other groups as DM’s for its events. These individuals operate during their assignment as representatives of PEER Group and have the authority to carry out their duties and functions accordingly under these rules.
  24. A DM can and will ask you to leave withoutthe dungeon for disorderly conduct, disobeying these or any other posted rules, or failure to immediately follow the directives of a DM or Board Member.
  25. In the PEER Event Space the following is the chain of command for the decision/escalation making process:
    1. You, and your partner, if any
    2. The DM on Duty
    3. The head DM on Duty
    4. The head of the DM Committee and Board Member
    5. The Chairman of PEER Group of Cincinnati, Inc.

    The PEER Event Space DM hierarchy is the final say on anything that transpires in the PEER Event Space. Unnecessary or Un-warranted escalation or drama will result in your removal from the PEER Event Space without refund.

  26. In the PEER Event Space, the DM’s on duty are identified by the warring of the following florescent arm bands:
    Red - DM with certified Red Cross First Responder, CPR, and defibrillator Certifications
    Orange - PEER DM’s
    Green - Head DM on duty
    Blue - Board Member
  27. If you observe something that you feel is inappropriate play or conduct within the PEER Event Space, bring it to the attention of a DM for their consideration andDo not attempt to intervene in a scene yourself.
  28. The dungeon is not the place for “social” conversation, there is a well equipped and comfortable social area provided.
  29. All food and beverages, except for bottled water must remain within the social area during a PEER Group’s Event.
  30. Please dispose of all trash immediately in the containers provided.
  31. Do not touch other players “toys” or equipment without express permission.
  32. Do not intrude in others scenes. Be respectful and observe from a distance.
  33. PEER has some of the strongest and well designed play equipment anywhere in the world, but prior to play please review the safety and suitability of the equipment prior to the commencement of play for loose, broken and/or warn parts and determine to your own and your partners satisfaction both the condition of and the suitability of the equipment for the play intended. If you have questions as to the suitability for your play please contact the head DM. If you note a potential deficiency to a particular piece of equipment please bring it to the attention of the DM staff so they may consider either repair or removal from usage. Play safe!
  34. Do not abuse a reasonable time limit on the dungeon equipment. Be aware of others waiting to play. Scenes should be limited to 1 hour unless arranged in advance with the DM in charge.
  35. If in very rare occasions because of anticipated heavy usage PEER has instituted a limit on play time on equipment ,respect yourself and partner, and others by limiting your time on the equipment so that the DM’s do not have to intervene.
  36. PEER Group provides as a courtesy both aftercare blankets and bath towels for use before, during, and after aPlease return them to the “used” laundry hamper at the conclusion of your play.  If these items have been soiled by blood or bodily fluids please place them in a plastic garbage bag prior to placing them into the laundry hamper.
  37. Clean all equipment and the surrounding areas after your scene with the cleaning supplies provided. Immediately dispose of all cleaning supplies in the receptacles provided. We recommend that despite the policy of the PEER Event Space, that the prior user has adequately cleaned the PEER Equipment, that you own safety clean the Play Equipment prior to usage.
  38. PEER Group maintains one of the best Event Space resources of equipment, tools, and safety equipment of anywhere in the country. This resource is available to you through the DM’s Please do not enter into these supplies orwithout a member of the DM committee, but do not hesitate to avail yourself of it’s existence if you have dead batteries or forgot your suspension cuffs. It is there to support your play.
  39. PEER Event Space is equipped with a great sound system and you are welcome to play your favorite scene music, timeHowever, at any given time there may be 10-20 scenes going on so the idea that everyone will get to scene to that very special track is probably not going to happen.  Be respectful or at least try to be, of others choices of music. The DM or the PEER Music Committee is in charge of the sound in the Event Space and no one but those people are permitted to change the music or operate the sound system.  There will be no cutting off of a music track so as to have dead air in the Event Space, and you may be ask to leave the Event Space for doing so.
  40. Hold Harmless: Neither, PEER Group of Cincinnati, Inc, it’s Board of Directors, the Officers of the organization, it committee members, its members, the owner or tenant of the hosting facility, or their landlord, or any respective assigns of the forgoing, shall be liable to any attendee or their representative or heirs, for injury to person or property, whether mental, emotional, physical and/orin nature, as a result of the attendance to this or any other PEER Group of Cincinnati, Inc., Event, Party, SIG, or Meeting.
  41. By your entry into the PEER Group Event Space, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to be bound by these rules and the directions as may be given by the members of the DM committee or the Board of Directors of PEER Group of Cincinnati, Inc.
Saturday the 22nd.